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Leleshwa tarchonanthus camphoratus

The camphor bush also known as Leleshwa is an evergreen shrub with a myriad of uses.
When crushed, its leaves give an aromatic smell that the Maasai use as a deodorant. Alternative uses include smoking it in place of nicotine by some communities in South Africa. It is also a great source of wood fuel and timber that is termite resistant.
Its uses in traditional medicine however was the inspiration behind us naming our pharmacy after this versatile plant.

Leleshwa has antifungal, antibacterial properties not to mention its use for respiratory ailments, stomach ailments, anxiety, chilblains and as a insect repellant.

It is this kind of holistic approach that makes the basis of our mission when deciding the best course of treatment working together with our patients and customers. When we all feel empowered to better take care of our health, we build better constructive communities.

Visit us at our branch in Kileleshwa.
Folklore has it that this area was named after the plant.
Perfect don’t you think?